
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Alpha As Fuck

Endure the pain of discipline, or suffer the pain of regret.
This is it, time to choose. Either man the fuck up, train, and live the life of an Alpha? - OR - Stay here, keep browsing the internet, baww on image boards, and slowly waste your life?
I got no problems with those your are actually making a name for themselves while still spending half their day on the internet or tv. Because that is what's important... Making a mark on this world while you still got a chance. Ok, sure you got a well paying job, a girl/boyfriend and possibly a family. But so do billions of other people! The thing is, you're a copy - of a copy - of a copy... And you're not making any real marks on this world.
If you don't give a flying fuck about the world, atleast to yourself. Look at you - is this as good as you can be? NO! Get off the computer and train! You know what's in you, so set it free!


I know that as a fact. UNLESS, you're one of these: (sorry for being harsh. truly, very sorry :c)
  • someone who shoves their beliefs down people's throats and making useless arguments. Believer or not, you're an ass and a dick, STFU and let live with their beliefs.
  • who's indulge themselves in trends to 'fit in'. WHY are you trying to be like everyone else when you're meant to stand out?! Stop impressing the people who have their own life to live.
  • pompous assholes who think they're better than everybody else. Yes, you are awesome, but an ASSHOLE can NEVER be awesome. Show some humility.
  • does things only a complete desperate retard would do for their own pleasure or peer pressure. Sluts, douchebags... You guys are a disgrace. One night stands aren't bad but at least take a break for a week! If you can't stand the temptation, then you're weak. Weak and shameful.
  • extremists and racists. It's normal to have a sort of 'hate' for a a certain race/country/religion/sexuality, but you don't have to be jerks about it. We are people of many personalities. You can't generalize them.
Sorry for that but it was meant to be written... I think.
Anyway, if you choose to change out of this lifestyle, the infographs on the next post might help. And fellow gamers! Those who have made a passion out of this activity, well done to keep a good shape ^_^ not all gamers are obese or anorexic... I know someone, a minecrafter and commentator, he still goes to the gym and is in great shape. Time friggin management XD the lad knows how to balance gaming time.
His youtube name is AKSpartankiIIer. the 'II' are two capital 'i's. Funny guy, rarely or never cusses at all.

Goodluck to all of you ^_^

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